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{"isCandidateLoggedIn": false, "isProfileRegistered": false, "isAllowedForRegistration": true, "candidateLoginMandatory": false, "eventData": {"name": "2023 10x Diversity Scholarship Program", "groupId": "10xgenomics.com", "stageGroupStats": [], "plannedEventEncId": "x4y6rpMm", "plannedEventId": 171798798110, "createdBy": "atif.sarwar@10xgenomics.com", "campaignJson": {"campaign_list": [171798881393], "planned_event": true}, "createdByName": "Atif Sarwar", "institution": "", "venue": "", "address": "https://www.10xgenomics.com/", "description": "<p><img src=\"https://i.imgur.com/MnyAcYl.png\"></p><p><br></p><p>10x Genomics strives to support students at the critical juncture where they are making decisions to pursue higher education at the Masters and Ph.D levels in STEM. </p><p><br></p><p>With the creation of our scholarships, 10x Genomics seeks to empower and promote those from underrepresented ethnic or racial minority backgrounds in STEM subjects, providing an opportunity for tomorrow\u2019s brightest.</p><p>In support of these efforts, 10x Genomics will award 4 individual scholarships of $20,000.00 each.</p><p><br></p><p>One of the 4 scholarships is reserved for students of California State University, Fresno and will be selected in partnership with CSU Fresno. <em>If you are a current student at CSU Fresno, do not apply here! Instead, please contact Professor Alejandro Calderon-Urrea (calalea@csufresno.edu) for instructions on how to apply.</em></p><p><br></p><p>The 10x Genomics Diversity Scholarship Program is subject to certain terms and conditions, a copy of which is available below.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Eligibility</strong></p><p><strong>\ufeff</strong></p><p>To apply for the three general scholarships, submit a personal statement and complete the additional information as requested below. The 10x Genomics Diversity Scholarship application period begins Pacific Time (\u201cPT\u201d) Tuesday, July 19, 2022 and ends at 11:59:59 PM PT on Friday, December 9, 2022 (the \u201cApplication Period\u201d). The 10x Genomics Diversity Scholarship is only open to legal U.S. residents and who meet the following eligibility requirements at the time of entry: </p><ol><li>A student who is currently enrolled in an accredited college or university located within the United States and will be applying to a Master\u2019s or Ph.D. program in STEM for the 2023 school year </li><li>Cannot be an employee, officer, director, agent, representative, or independent contractor of 10x Genomics or its affiliates, nor be an immediate family member of or member of the same household as such a person</li></ol><p>Winners will be chosen by panel(s) of judges selected by 10x Genomics and contacted using the information provided as part of their application. </p><p><br></p><p>* All applications submitted after the Application Period will not be considered.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>About 10x Genomics</strong></p><p><br></p><p>At 10x Genomics, accelerating our understanding of biology is more than a mission for us. It is a commitment. This is the century of biology, and the breakthroughs we make now have the potential to change the world.</p><p>We enable scientists to advance their research, allowing them to address scientific questions they did not even know they could ask. Our tools have enabled fundamental discoveries across biology including cancer, immunology, and neuroscience.</p><p>Our teams are empowered and encouraged to follow their passions, pursue new ideas, and perform at their best in an inclusive and dynamic environment. We know that behind every scientific breakthrough, there is a deep infrastructure of talented people driving the life sciences industry and making it possible for scientists and clinicians to make new strides. </p><p><br></p><p><strong>To apply for the 10x Genomics Diversity Scholarship, click on the Register button (upper right side of page).</strong></p><p><br></p><p>I certify that all of the information I am submitting in this application is correct, accurate, and complete, that the personal statement is my own work, and that I meet all the eligibility requirements described above. </p><p><br></p><p>I have read and agree to be bound by the Rules for the 10x Genomics Scholarship Program Terms and Conditions.</p><p><br></p><p><a href=\"https://pages.10xgenomics.com/O-2022-CHALLENGE-RA_G-TERMS-AND-CONDITIONS_LPTY.html\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" target=\"_blank\"><strong>Terms and Conditions</strong></a></p>", "eventLocationType": "virtual_event", "completeVenue": "", "when": "past", "eventSessionsJson": {}, "selectedTimezone": "America/Los_Angeles", "startTimestamp": 1658250900, "endTimestamp": 1670659200, "eventDateAndTime": "Jul 19 - Dec 10, 2022, 10:15 AM - 12:00 AM | America/Los_Angeles", "editable": false, "eventTeamEditable": false, "allowEventArchive": false, "isArchived": false, "eventCategory": "", "eventLandingURL": "https://app.eightfold.ai/events/candidate?plannedEventId=x4y6rpMm", "eventType": "OPEN", "eventCompanyName": "10X Genomics", "eventTypeDisplay": "Open Event", "permissions": {"MANAGE_CAMPAIGNS": false}, "customInfo": {}, "publishJson": {}, "checklistCompletionMap": {"eventTeam": true, "landingPage": true, "targetPositions": false, "assessmentForm": false, "addResume": false, "isEventPublished": true, "inviteCampaign": false, "invitedCampaign": false, "reminderCampaign": false, "applicantCampaign": false, "talentPoolCampaign": false, "appliedCampaign": false, "attendedCampaign": false}, "assessmentTemplates": {"templateIds": []}, "eventTeam": [{"email": "atif.sarwar@10xgenomics.com", "firstName": "Atif", "lastName": "Sarwar", "role": "Admin", "profilePictureSrc": "https://static.vscdn.net/profile/p2xO4aLw/profile_img_p2xO4aLw-1649709270.jpeg", "title": "", "location": "", "profileEncId": "p2xO4aLw", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "leida.tirado-lee@10xgenomics.com", "firstName": "Leida", "lastName": "Tirado-Lee", "role": "Hiring manager", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "Sr. Manager, Marketing Content Writing", "location": "Pleasanton, California, United States of America", "profileEncId": "LnRzkA31", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "nigel.delaney@10xgenomics.com", "firstName": "Nigel", "lastName": "Delaney", "role": "Hiring manager", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "Senior Director, Computational Biology", "location": "Pleasanton, California, United States of America", "profileEncId": "RvxzLP5k", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "robin.credit@10xgenomics.com", "firstName": "Robin", "lastName": "Credit", "role": "Ta lead", "profilePictureSrc": "https://static.vscdn.net/profile/PvEzAEMO/profile_img_PvEzAEMO-1662746669.jpeg", "title": "Principal Recruiter, R&D", "location": "Any Town, California, United States of America", "profileEncId": "PvEzAEMO", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "stefanie@10xgenomics.com", "firstName": "Stefanie", "lastName": "Nishimura", "role": "Recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "Director, Process Development", "location": "Pleasanton, California, United States of America", "profileEncId": "p2xO4M9b", "customInfo": {}}], "eventNotes": [], "activeRegistrations": true, "registrationEmailTemplateId": 171798727911, "qrCodeEnabled": false, "pastEventActiveRegistration": false, "importResumeEnabled": false, "eventSpeakers": [], "eventBucket": "STANDARD", "isEnabledForTM": false}, "landingJson": {"configData": {"homePageBanner": {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/event_banner/1653588866-x4y6rpMm.jpg", "title": "A beautiful SFO Image", "useImage": 0}, "navBar": {"color": "#CCD1D1", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/10xgenomics/1653588394::10x_Logo_Vertical_Reverse_Digital.png", "link": "https://www.eightfold.ai", "background": "#0346A2", "opacity": 1, "title": "10X Genomics"}, "registerButton": {"text": "Register", "backgroundColor": "#0346A2", "textColor": "#ffffff"}, "greetingText": "Meet us at", "showJobPositionWidget": true, "jobPositionWidgetTitle": "Jobs We Are Hiring", "companyName": "default name", "companyDesc": "sample description like lorem ipsum would go here", "registrationConfig": {"registrationWelcomeText": "Thank you for dropping by! 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